Program Overview


This program is a private pay program, designed to get our individuals out the house, and buildings, and in an interactive daily setting of meaningful activities.  This program is designed to instill positivity and bring out the best in every individual. We assist in managing a child’s behavior, and assist and empower families in developing problem-solving skills and accessing community resources.  This program is intended to prevent any out of home placements, hospitalizations due to aggressive behaviors, or police involvement

You must be diagnosed with a mental health illness, Intellectual/Developmental diagnosis, or potential mental health illness, and or recognized as a under resourced child in need of clinical program, in order to be eligible for the program. This is designed as a day and/ or afternoon program to work on clinical assessments, case management, therapy, life building skills (including healthy culinary opportunities), paid internships (based on age), socialization skills and activities to ensure the youth, stays in their home environment. 


Eligibility Criteria

The youth/young adult has current or past history of symptoms or behaviors indicating the need for a crisis intervention as evidenced by suicidal/homicidal ideation, physical aggression toward others, self-injurious behavior, serious risk-taking behavior (running away, sexual aggression, sexually reactive behavior, or substance use).

The symptoms and behaviors are unmanageable at home, school, or in other community settings due to the deterioration of his or her mental health or at-risk condition, requiring intensive, coordinated clinical interventions.

There are no other programs or alternatives that would better serve the individual, or immediately available for the person.

The Man Academy is designed for the population, who are at a disproportionate disadvantage in dealing with the increased injustices and lack of service options and programs to help them lead productive, meaningful, and successful lives.  For the under resourced population who are needing direction, focus, and empirical help on what it takes to be a productive individual in society.  In this program we surround our participants in different groups, and appropriate levels, based on where they scored at in our clinical assessments.   Each child/youth will be placed where they will best succeed.  After successfully graduating from one level, the individual can advance to the next level in our program, if interested or needed.  These different programs (to name a few) will include and address:

  • Meeting with police officers and judges and sitting down with them to have conversations, while our team of Clinical professionals provide training to both sides on dealing and interacting with each other in high conflict situations. (I.e. court room, police engagement)
  • Dignity and Respect
  • Accountability
  • Life Coaching
  • Embracing Abilities
  • Job Training
  • Gardening and Agricultural Design
  • Baking/Cooking (Healthy options included)-
  • Knowledge of the rights they have (Positive interactions with law enforcement and judges, and having conversations on their rights, the law, and being informed if they are violated or broken)
  • Appropriate relationships with others
  • Resume building
  • Financial literacy
  • Micro-Enterprise
  • Technology and computer literacy

After graduating our Man Academy, the participant will have the option to engage in more direct areas that they may like, depending on
their age.  There is something for everyone to continue, to do, after graduation…

If you or someone you know could benefit from Bottom Up Outreach programs and services, please email, or call (336) 529-6070.