Program Overview

Our Therapeutic Recreation and Fitness Program highlighting positive thinking through healthy living, nutrition, and exercise.  The program “Fit to Shine” has been developed by experienced Certified Personal Trainers, Fitness Nutritionist, Behavioral Health, and Rehabilitation Professionals, engaging with individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and Mental Illnesses.  Each workout, overseen and developed by trainers and fitness experts, from Infinite Fitness, is specially modified to the individual, or small group of participants within program.  This program was created with the understanding of what it takes to engage this special population, with disabilities, not excluding the population without disabilities.

The creator of program has worked with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, physical delays, and mental illnesses since 2006.  Along with a military and extensive 16-year fitness, training, nutrition, sports, and health background (certified Nationally through Accredited institution).  The program has been put together for one-on-one training and small group training sessions, to include, being designed for others to discover creative and fun ways to engage and motivate our clients in proper warmups, strength training, and cardiovascular training.  We also provide healthy meal preparation consultations, and nutrition counseling, to allow you to meet your healthy living goals.  We communicate in a way that encourages “person” compliance and motivation to learn.  While providing ideas for parents and caregivers to help their child or adult to be active at home.  It is our vision that everyone understands the importance to convey the message to the community of professionals, staff, caregivers, guardians, and families, who work or provide support, in this field, to this population, that fitness is not a luxury.  It is rather an essential prerequisite for maintaining optimal health and well-being throughout the life of the individual.

Eligibility Criteria

A beneficiary (ages 6-18 for at risk population, and 6-35 for disabled diagnosis) is eligible for this service when all the following criteria are met:

A disability is not required for this program) Modified does not necessarily mean, easy or not challenging.  All classes and workouts for all levels of individuals.

We have experienced great success with adding fitness as a consistent routine, for our highly behaviorally challenged persons with disabilities, that we support daily.  We feel the major strides, and further successes, that many of our participants have had, is largely due to their increase of intentional, and scientific based evidence instruction, through correct movement and exercise.  Therefore, hoping to spread awareness about this program, and the 80 percent of the population, which are receiving less than the recommended amount of exercise daily.  This population is underserved and deserve the opportunity to be more active and have positive exercise experiences.  By applying program modifications for common movements and workouts to this population with different diagnoses, behaviors, and physical limitations, we can reach this population together.  Virtual and in person classes are available.  

If you or someone you know could benefit from Bottom Up Outreach programs and services, please email, or call (336) 529-6070.

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