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, United States (US)

(3) Scholarships For “The Man Academy”

$0.00 Pledged
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0 Days Left
Goal: $15,600.00
Minimum amount is $10 Maximum amount is $15600
3 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Adults and Children with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (IDD) or Mental Health challenges are at risk for social exclusion, hospitalization, and high rates of incarceration. Several mental
health and neurodevelopmental conditions frequently co-occur in individuals with intellectual disability, including ADHD, autism, and depression and anxiety disorders. Blacks and African Americans are more likely to be jailed or imprisoned when I/DD and mental health challenges go unaddressed. This dynamic creates a cycle of social isolation and the negative trickle-down effects of poverty.

Consequently, Bottom-Up Outreach has established The M.A.N. Academy, Meaningful Action Now, a program to assist individuals with Intellectual/ Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) and/or Mental Health challenges. The M.A.N. Academy is designed to help the disproportionately disadvantaged in leading productive, meaningful, and successful lives.

The M.A.N. Academy Goals:

  1. Increase services for number of adults and children who have been diagnosed with MH (or risk of), and or I/DD.
  2. Provide life Skill workshops for individuals with IDD or MH.
  3. Provide Social Activities and Meaningful volunteer/intern opportunities that could lead to employment and career opportunities.
  4. Provide Recreation, Movement, and Sports activities for individuals who are at risk for MH, or already have a IDD and or MH diagnosis.


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